If the following message is shown when running transaction RSA1: Report RSBATCH_WRITE_PROT_TO_APPLLOG not planned. See long text. Message no. RSM2081 Procedure Plan program RSBATCH_WRITE_PROT_TO_APPLLOG as
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If the following message is shown when running transaction RSA1: Report RSBATCH_WRITE_PROT_TO_APPLLOG not planned. See long text. Message no. RSM2081 Procedure Plan program RSBATCH_WRITE_PROT_TO_APPLLOG as
If you are using in your procedure a data load from the HANA model you may need to parametrize for example the Placeholders. I’m not
The temporary tables can be created at runtime and can be used for the same operations as the normal tables. But, based on the table
SAP® HANA Analysis Tool Hierarchy is a special form of hierarchy implementation that uses mathematical sets to provide results fast and with fewer queries, comparing
Every active SAP® HANA Information Model (Attribute views, Analytic views, Calculation views) is saved in the standard table: _SYS_REPO.ACTIVE_OBJECT, in the form of XML code.
Find Procedure To find procedure, standard HANA table: “SYS”.”PROCEDURES”, can be used. For example: Searching for Procedure, which contains specific code, the definition column can
Please consider, everything written below are mainly my personal experiences and opinions and I may be wrong or inaccurate. Please leave a comment if you
Relevant useful links Selection example with CDATA search API to get the Metadata of the HANA view Columns for a specific table or model
HANA Studio Data Distribution Optimizer Administration GuidePartitioning; Table Performance SAP HANA Platform documentationMain documentation Table redistribution and repartitioning in a BW on HANA system 1969700
During years of work in the SAP world, I have noted down “couple” of useful SAP® NetWeaver Transactions from different SAP modules, which I regularly
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